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  6. Comparative Test: 9 ink All-in-Ones up to 200 Euros

Comparative Test 9 ink All-in-Ones up to 200 Euros: Cardreaders and displays

von Florian Heiseübersetzt von Ulrich Junker
Hinweis: Für mindestens einen erwähnten Drucker ist der ausführliche Testbericht "Multifunktion für wenig Geld" verfügbar.

There is a definite trend: AIOs frequently have a menu and preview screen, and this rising in size. Both HP-AIOs even have a touchscreen.

All AIOs in this test feature a card-reader, and all of them can read SD-(Secure Digital) and MS-(Memory Stick) cards. Only three of them read CF (Compact Flash), pretty common in professional cameras. Most important is the SD-reader, since its market share is more than 80 percent.

Operating panel
Preview display
(diagonal diameter)
Display / Operating panel hingedRating of handling
Brother DCP-J515W3.2 inches (8.1 cm)yes
Brother MFC-J615W3.2 inches (8.1 cm)yes
Canon Pixma MG51502.4 inches (6.1 cm)yes
Canon Pixma MG52502.4 inches (6.1 cm)yes
Epson Stylus Office BX525WD2.5 inches (6,4 cm)yes
Epson Stylus SX620FW2.5 inches (6.4 cm)yes
HP Officejet 6500A E710a2.4 inches (6.1 cm)
HP Photosmart Plus B210a3.5 inches (8.9 cm)
Lexmark Prospect Pro2053.5 inches (8.9 cm)no
Copyright Druckerchannel.de

Brother DCP-J515W

The DCP-J515W has no fax, this way getting along with fewer keys than others. They are labeled intelligibly, so you´ll get your bearings easily. The large foldable display is 3.2 inches in diameter and gives a preview of SD- and memory stick content.

  • Touchscreen: no
  • USB-Host-interface: no
  • CompactFlash: no
  • Memory Stick: yes
  • SD-card: yes
  • xD-PictureCard: no
  • Pictbridge: no

Brother MFC-J615W

Brother´s MFC-J615W comes with a fax. It also got a pictbridge-interface for appropriate cameras, with direct print capability. Due to the clear layout of the key panel, handling of all the AIOs jobs comes easy.

  • Touchscreen: no
  • USB-Host-unterface: yes
  • CompactFlash: no
  • Memory Stick: yes
  • SD-card: yes
  • xD-PictureCard: no
  • Pictbridge: yes

Canon Pixma MG5150 and MG5250

Both Canon AIOs MG5150 and MG5250 look very much alike. The displays are foldable. The scroll wheel is a useful help to leaf through the menues. If you get lost there, just touch the "Home"-button, and you are back on the start screen.

  • Touchscreen: no
  • USB-Host-interface: yes
  • CompactFlash: yes
  • Memory Stick: yes
  • SD-card: yes
  • xD-PictureCard: only via adapter
  • Pictbridge: yes

Epson Stylus Office BX525WD

Once you got accustomed to Epson´s control panel you´ll get along with it quite well. It´s not as easy to understand and handle as Canon´s panel. The Office BX525WD has no fax and thus no numeric keypad. If you get lost, press the "Home"-button, and you are back on the start screen. The display´s position cannot be altered, but the complete panel can be pivoted in six steps from vertical to almost horizontal.

  • Touchscreen: no
  • USB-Host-interface: no
  • CompactFlash: no
  • Memory Stick: yes
  • SD-card: yes
  • xD-PictureCard: yes
  • Pictbridge: no

Epson Stylus SX620FW

The SX620FW got a Fax and thus a numeric key pad. The arrangement of the buttons needs getting used to. Labeling of the buttons isn´t always coherent. Position of the complete panel can be adjusted in seven steps, so you can always have good eye contact. Handling is similar to the Office BX525WD, apart from additional functions like fax, Pictbridge, and USB-stick. The matt finish of both AIOs is a real advantage: Fingerprints do not show easily, same thing for dust, and you will not miss the glare (compare this with Brother, Canon, and HP).

  • Touchscreen: no
  • USB-Host-interface: yes
  • CompactFlash: yes
  • Memory Stick: yes
  • SD-card: yes
  • xD-PictureCard: yes
  • Pictbridge: yes

HP Officejet 6500A E710a

Except for the on/off switch the Officejet 6500A comes with touch keys only for all functions. Only the ones you can use at the moment are highlighted. Most settings you can apply via the touch-sensitive display. Print-, scan-, copy-, fax- and photo editing-jobs can be accomplished without extensive studies of the manual. Too bad the panel´s position cannot be altered. If glare and light reflections annoy you, you have to put yourself into a position to avoid them.

  • Touchscreen: yes
  • USB-Host-interface: no
  • CompactFlash: no
  • Memory Stick: yes
  • SD-card: yes
  • xD-PictureCard: yes
  • Pictbridge: no

HP Photosmart Plus B210a

The Photosmart Plus has a big touchscreen. Most of the AIOs functions are controlled and initiated by it. At it´s side are six touch-sensitive keys. The only mechanical device is the on/off-switch. The silver-framed display can be swivelled to the front to put it into the optimal position. The glossy black plastic encasing the touchscreen is prone to fingerprints.

  • Touchscreen: yes
  • USB-Host-interface: no
  • CompactFlash: no
  • Memory Stick: yes
  • SD-card: yes
  • xD-PictureCard: yes
  • Pictbridge: no

Lexmark Prospect Pro205

Furnished with all AIO-functions (print, scan, fax, copy, photo direct print) the Lexmark gets on with only a few keys. The control panel is clearly laid out, the keys are labeled comprehensible. The matt black panel is pretty immune against fingerprints and dust. Neither display nor panel can be tilted.

  • Touchscreen: no
  • USB-Host-Schnittstelle: ja
  • CompactFlash: no
  • Memory Stick: yes
  • SD-card: yes
  • xD-PictureCard: yes
  • Pictbridge: yes
20.05.11 15:37 (letzte Änderung)
1 Multifunction at low cost
2And the winners are...
3An overview: Nine AIOs
4That´s annoying
5Ink cartridges
6Cost of print
7AIOs opened
8Cardreaders and displays
9Photo print: Quality
10Graphic print: Quality
11Marker- and smeartest
12Bleeding test
13Text print: Quality
14Print speed: Text, photos, graphics
15Copies: Quality and speed (text and photos)
16Scanners: Drivers, speed, quality, depth of field
17Power consumption
18Sound test
Technische Daten

5 Wertungen


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Alle Preise enthalten die derzeit gültige MwSt. und verstehen sich zzgl. Versandkosten. Der Preis sowie die Verfügbarkeit können sich mittlerweile geändert haben. Weiß hinterlegte Preise gelten für ein baugleiches Gerät. Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr.

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