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  6. Comparative Test of 8 MFCs with Fax

Comparative Test of 8 MFCs with Fax: Big Helpers for Small Offices

von Florian Heiseübersetzt von Ulrich Junker

If you work in a home-office or a small working-group, looking for professional assistance, you should take a closer look at this test. DRUCKERCHANNEL tells you all about eight MFCs on ink-basis, which can print, scan copy, and fax and which cost less than 380 Euros.

Some MFCs have an additional memory-card reader, a pictbridge-connection, a duplexer for automatic double-sided printing, or an automatic document feeder (ADF) for faxing, copying, and scanning. Brother even provides a DECT-phone with it´s MFC-845CW.

The only contestant without a fax is Kodak´s Easyshare 5300, one of the two all-in-ones they just put on the market after keeping their fingers off ink-printers for 15 years. The last one they delivered (in 1992) was a small black-and-white printer, Kodak Diconix.

The two new ones differ in three important features: The bigger model (Easyshare 5500) has an additional fax, ADF, and a duplexer.

Eight contestants

The champions

Among eight contestants DC found out the ones which deserve a commendation.

Maybe you have a different focus, so our winners mustn´t be yours. Example: If you need water-resistant prints, there´s no way around a Brother. And if you print a lot, the MFC of your choice should have a second paper-tray.


You will find all contestants with their data (technical and test-results) in our ranking table (Bestenliste Multifunktionsgeräte (Tinte)). Instructions how to use that are on page22.

Winner upper echelon: Canon Pixma MP830

Canon´s MFC shines with excellent components. Printing in color is a good value. However, competitor HP shows how to print text considerably cheaper.

Canon´s ink isn´t smudge-proof - the only flaw. All other tests are accomplished with brilliance. And print-speed is high.


  • Permanent print-head
  • Single exchangeable cartridges
  • Exchange of cartridges easy
  • Separate photo-black ink
  • CD- and DVD-print
  • Memorycard reader
  • Pictbridge-connectivity
  • Big display
  • ADF with duplex-function
  • Fast text-, photo-, and graphics print
  • CCD-scanner


  • No waterproof ink
  • Handling somewhat complicated on first sight

Second in upper echelon: HP Officejet Pro L7580

HP´s Officejet Pro L7580 performs as second best, a wee bit away from the Canon. It´s not as well equipped as the latter, but print speed is better, and it excels in cost of print.


  • Permanent print-head
  • Single exchangeable cartridges
  • Exchange of cartridges easy
  • Memorycard reader
  • Pictbridge-connectivity
  • Very easy handling
  • ADF
  • Very high print speed
  • Low cost of print
  • CCD-scanner


  • No waterproof ink
  • No display

Winner mid-range: Brother MFC-845CW

If Brother say "multifunctional", they really mean it. Already well equipped, they add a full-fledged DECT-phone to their MFC.


  • Memorycard reader
  • Display
  • Easy handling
  • Wireless phone
  • Network and WLAN (standard)
  • Three years warranty


  • CIS-scanner with low depth of field
  • Cost of print comparatively high
01.02.08 13:28 (letzte Änderung)
1Big Helpers for Small Offices
2An Overview
3What´s in the Box
4A look inside
8Ink Cartridges
9Cost of Print
10Power Requirement
11Quality and Speed of Photo-print
12Quality and Speed of Graphic-print
13Graphic print: 2-didot point-fonts
14Quality and Speed of Text-print
15Printquality: Bleeding
17Resistance to Light
18Scanquality: Depth of Focus
19Scanquality: Text
20Scanquality: Graphics and Photos
21Copy: Quality and Speed with Text and Photos
22Testresults and Technical Data

6 Wertungen


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Forum Aktuell
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Themen des Tages
Beliebte Drucker
Neu ab 104,24 €1 Canon Pixma TR4755i

Multifunktionsdrucker (Tinte)

ab 194,00 €1 Epson Ecotank ET-2861

Multifunktionsdrucker (Tinte)

ab 349,99 €1 Epson Ecotank ET-4850

Multifunktionsdrucker (Tinte)

ab 161,89 €1 Canon Maxify MB5150

Multifunktionsdrucker (Pigmenttinte)

ab 774,99 €1 Epson Ecotank ET-5850

Multifunktionsdrucker (Pigmenttinte)

ab 524,98 €1 Canon Maxify GX7050

Multifunktionsdrucker (Pigmenttinte)

ab 330,00 €1 Epson Ecotank ET-3850

Multifunktionsdrucker (Tinte)

ab 164,95 €1 HP Smart Tank 5106

Multifunktionsdrucker (Tinte)

ab 195,99 €1 Epson Ecotank ET-2870

Multifunktionsdrucker (Tinte)

ab 684,00 €1 Epson Ecotank ET-5800

Multifunktionsdrucker (Pigmenttinte)


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