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  6. Comparison of Technologies: Ink versus Laser

Comparison of Technologies Ink versus Laser: Energy Consumption

von Florian Heiseübersetzt von Ulrich Junker

DC determines energy consumption assuming the following conditions

  • Printers are switched on 24 hours a day.
  • Print jobs are 100 pages of text and graphics per day.
  • For reasons of simplification this is done as one single print job.

In case of many small print jobs a day, results for the laser printer would be much worse, due to the unavoidable heating-up of the fuser for every single job, boosting energy consumption.

Energy consumption / Wattage
HP Officejet
Pro 8000
Off-mode0,0 watts0,1 watts
Stand-By5,5 watts2,5 watts
While printing*132 watts2,0 watts
Stand-By-costs p.a.9,15 Euros4,16 Euros
Costs while printing p.a.1,58 Euros0,10 Euros
Total costs p.a.10,74 Euros4,26 Euros
Copyright Druckerchannel.de
Energy consumtion p.a. (19 Cent per kWh)
Brother HL-2150N
10.74 Euros
HP Officejet Pro 8000
4.26 Euros
Copyright Druckerchannel.de

To print a 100-page document.
21.08.09 10:55 (letzte Änderung)
1Comparison of Technologies: Ink versus Laser
2Summary: Cost of Hardware
3Summary: Wrapping
4Implementation of Consumables
5Corona wire = Ozone
6Features: Paper Feed
7Features: Paper Output
8Features: Duplex Unit
9Features: Interfaces
11Views: Front, Back, Lateral, and Opened
12Integrated Webserver
13Energy Consumption
14Cost of Print
15Print speed
16Print Quality
17DC Bottom Line

4 Wertungen


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Beliebte Drucker
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Multifunktionsdrucker (Laser/LED)

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