Refill Canon Pixma CLI-8 und PGI-5-Cartridges


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Erschienen am 1. Januar 2007 bei, 8 Seite(n)

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What you need for refilling

You can order ink for your cartridges, either as a single portion or as a refill-set.

Be careful to buy high-quality ink particularly manufactured for your type of printer.

We strongly advise you against using ink of the universal type. Be careful when buying at Ebay or department stores: You will often find ink of minor quality. We found out that you´re doing best with inks sold by "Inktec", "Jettec", and "KMP".

Refillsets usually include syringes and cannulas, if you´re lucky you even find a gimlet in the package. Unfortunately the refillset´s cannulas are most of the time too short for the new technique, you need one which is at least 50 millimeters long.

You will find fitting specimen with the following properties

  • 0,60 x 60 mm and
  • 0,90 x 70 mm.

Cannulas with a wider diameter enable you to speed up the refilling process.

The bigger the syringe, the better. It´s capacity should be at least 20 milliliters. This is what you need to fill one cartridge completely and helps you to finish refilling in one go.

Syringes and cannulas can be purchased in drugstores or pharmacies. Some ink shops have them as well. A gimlet or a small drilling machine can be found in hardware stores at reasonable prices.

Have ready the following components before starting your refill procedure:

  • Empty cartridge(s)
  • Drill (2 mm) and drilling-machine or gimlet
  • Syringe with cannula (minimum length 50 millimeters)
  • Suitable ink

Cover your working surface with a thick layer of paper. Be aware that ink-stains are hard to remove from your clothing, your carpet or your furniture.

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