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  5. Workshop: Replace waste ink tanks of Epson C & D-models

Workshop Replace waste ink tanks of Epson C & D-models: Step 3: Remove front cover and paper output tray

von Frank Frommerübersetzt von Ulrich Junker
Hinweis: Für mindestens einen erwähnten Drucker ist der ausführliche Testbericht "Zwei langsame Office-Drucker der Einsteigerklasse" sowie "Guter Drucker für den Hausgebrauch" sowie "Powermaschine" verfügbar.

It is advisable to remove the front cover so it does not interfere with your next work. Simply press the clip from the bracket on one side. Use a screwdriver and pull out the flap with gentle force.

Now you will see a couple of screws that fix the printing unit to the bottom of the printer. You have to remove the paper tray in order to access additional screws.

The paper tray is fastened with three screws (see photos). Unfortunately, at least one of these screws is hard to reach.

If you have unscrewed all three, you can move the paper tray to the back. Actually, you take off the paper tray, a spring, and another plastic plate which presses the paper onto the feed roller via the spring.

09.06.11 15:25 (letzte Änderung)
1Diaper change: Epson Stylus models
2Important: Loss of warranty and your own liability
3What´s a waste ink collector good for?
4Lifetime of a waste ink collector
5How to replace the sponges
6Step 1: Remove the side covers
7Step 2: Remove center of housing
8Step 1 & 2 for Epson Stylus D68
9Step 3: Remove front cover and paper output tray
10Step 4: Get access to another screw
11Step 5: Lift the printing unit
12Step 6: Reassembly
13Step 7: Counter reset
Technische Daten

4 Wertungen


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ab 164,95 €1 HP Smart Tank 5106

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