Workshop: Replace waste ink tanks of Epson C & D-models


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Are you printing a lot with your Epson Stylus C66, C64, D68, C84, C86, or D88? All of a sudden your machine stops working. An expensive service intervention seems inevitable. In this workshop we show you how to "reanimate" the printer yourself.

Erschienen am 9. Juni 2011 bei, 13 Seite(n)

Seite 2 von 13

Important: Loss of warranty and your own liability


An exchange of a waste ink tank/sponge/collector is usually done by Epson´s service. It´s not an ordinary user-operation. It´s your personal responsibility, whatever might go wrong, it'll be on your head! And you´ll lose Epson´s warranty.

We strongly advise you not to reset the waste ink collector´s counter without changing the sponges. Sooner or later the sponges might not be able to hold the waste ink, and it will pour out of the printer. What a mess!

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