Comparative Test of 8 MFCs with Fax


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If you work in a home-office or a small working-group, looking for professional assistance, you should take a closer look at this test. DRUCKERCHANNEL tells you all about eight MFCs on ink-basis, which can print, scan copy, and fax and which cost less than 380 Euros.

Erschienen am 21. August 2007 bei, 22 Seite(n)

Seite 13 von 22

Graphic print: 2-didot point-fonts

If you plan to print with high attention to detail, the MFC you choose should be able to print very small fonts in good quality.

DC takes a photo of a 2-didot point-font, which is about 0,5 millimeters in size. Here separates the wheat from the chaff, our pictures show the differing qualities.

The file is printed in high quality mode on inkjet-paper, provided by the manufacturer. Click on the pictures to compare qualities.

Both Brothers print the font sharp edged, but with misplaced pixels. The Canon prints razor-sharp. Epson´s MFC prints with too much ink, HP with fuzzy edges, the Officejet Pro L7580 doing slightly better. Winner of this contest is Kodak´s Easyshare 5300. Lexmark´s MFC omits too many details.

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